Strengthen the Skills of NEETs

Duration: 2020-09-01 – 2022-08-31 Project number: 2020-1-RO01-KA204-079978 It is evident that people gaining qualifications have an impact on economic growth, and on promoting social inclusion and sustainable employment. Skills have become the key drivers of individual well-being and economic success in the 21st century. The pace of innovation, technological transformation, digitalisation and globalisation requires all […]

Social Entrepreneurship for Youth – SE4Y

Duration: 2020-09-01 – 2022-08-31 Project number: 2020-2-IS01-KA205-065841 The role of youth in society has been getting higher on the agenda in the last several years across the globe. As the labour sector gains growing attention, a rising amount of young people (18-30 years of age) are showing an increased interest in becoming social entrepreneurs, as […]

Open to Change

Duration:  01-03-2020 – 28-02-2022  Project number: 2019-3-RO01-KA205-077792  Specific objectives are: -Development of social participation and commitment among 16 youth workers from the partner countries which will review organisations youth participation programs and design and implement process changes through sharing practices, concepts and activities, resulting in more efficient and coherent educational programs in the field of […]

Tools for exploring the meanings of multiculturalism – MultiNATIONS

Duration: 01-10-2019 – 30-09-2021 Project number: 2019-2-RO01-KA205-064065 MultiNATIONS project aims to extend and develop the competences and skills of youth workers, trainers and educators, who work in the field of non-formal and informal education and training, providing innovative and creative tools to support them in the long-run in promoting cultural diversity and intercultural equality along […]

City Quiz

Duration: 01-09-2019 – 31-08-2021 Project number: 2019-1-FI01-KA204-060734 According to the research conducted at the preparatory part of this project application, the mobile app created for this project will be a unique digital solution both for foreigners residing in partner countries and professionals working with immigrants and refugees. Furthermore, we aim to deliver a simple digital […]

WEBEN – Portal of entrepreneurial education in new key 

Duration: 01.11.2019-01.05.2021  Project number: 608347-EPP-1-2019-1-RS-EPPKA2-CBY-ACPALA  To deliver quality entrepreneurial education, youth workers need to upscale their working practices, motivational and dissemination methods, making them more appealing and attractive to youth. This project tends to encourage increasing the number of youth workers able to work on the programmes that inevitably overlap with the topic of entrepreneurship, […]

Raising the capacities of youth NGOs for rural youth participation in democratic life – VOTE

Duration: 2019-01-01 – 2021-06-01 Project number: 602724-EPP-1-2018-1-AM-EPPKA2-CBY-EP-CSF Raising the Capacities of Youth NGOs for Rural Youth Participation in Democratic Life – VOTE! long-term project aims to bring the organisations from all over Europe working in rural youth development and raise the capacities of youth NGOs to encourage youth active participation in European democratic life and […]

EUropean Counter and Alternative Narratives Network

Duration: 01-01-2018 – 31-12-2019Project number: 595293-CITIZ-1-2017-2-PT-CITIZ-NT To achieve the objectives of the project, initially, we carried out a study/analysis on subjective interpretations of social reality that hide implicit prejudices that lead to discrimination. At the end of the research, the results were presented and guidelines were prepared for the organisation of local seminars to counter […]

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