Youth Exchange Media Tools for Active Youth

15-12-2020 Youth exchange Media Tools for Active Youth took place in Marmaris, Turkey from 26 September to 4 October 2020.  In the youth exchange, 42 participants took part including 20 participants with fewer opportunities in the age of 18-30 from Turkey, Germany, Spain, Lithuania, Bulgaria, Romania and Portugal. Youth exchange Media Tools for Active Youth […]

Exchange of good practices project “Open to Change” starts now!

14-12-2020 Tavo Europa together with partners from Romania, Italy and Turkey over the upcoming 18 months will implement Erasmus+ KA2 project Open to Change. During the second partner meeting, we have agreed on further steps of implementation with high hopes to provide our youth workers with an opportunity to have a training course in Verona […]

Polish- Lithuanian youth exchange created movies!

20-11-2020 A crime is a crime It seems to be the perfect crime. The victim was hidden in the bag, the criminal used gloves, disinfected his hands, and tried to cover all traces. However, karma never forgets. Especially when it comes to crimes against nature. Artistic supervision: Piotr Dylewski The films made during the workshops […]

How to become the leader for a youth exchange project?

19-10-2020 Training course Make the Lead that took place in Poland on 12-18 October 2020 focused on how to become great leaders. We had engaging workshops that challenged our values and beliefs, discussed real scenarios and found solutions to common problems any leader faces. We were reminded that leaders should strive to have a balanced […]

How to enhance creativity through youth exchange in Germany?

13-10-2020 Power of Creativity took place during the 30th of September – 09th of October 2020 in Osterholz-Scharmbeck, Germany. The theme of the project was the growth of radicalisation and extremism in Europe, and its main goal was to raise awareness about these issues through creativity. This was the second project I participated in but […]

Refugee situation bringing European organisations together

Erasmus+ project Supporting and Enhancing Common Humanistic Values and Basic Sufficiencies to Refugees on the Way of Becoming Global Citizen kick-off meeting took place on 23-26 February in Eastern Turkey – Gaziantep. Hosting organisation Gaziantep University prepared activities so that organisations participating in this project had a chance to present situations in their countries regarding […]

Multinations – one more strategical partnership starts now!

12-02-2020 Partner organisations from Romania, Lithuania, Denmark, Cyprus and Estonia gathered together in Bucharest to get to know each other better and to plan the project that will last for two years and is funded by Erasmus+ programme. MultiNATIONS project aims to extend and develop the competences and skills of youth workers, trainers and educators, […]

Fit to Belong kick-off meeting in Manchester

18-01-2020 Our project kick-off meeting was held in Manchester on 16-17 January 2020. The meeting was hosted by Prof. Pamela Qualter from Manchester University. The intense day-long meetings involved partner presentations, overall project study, re-planning of the project timeline and discussions on project activities. Future transnational meeting dates were appointed; the tasks to be completed […]

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