Eco Euth youth exchange

Eco Euth

Participants from these seven countries made presentations about eco problems and then possible solutions for their countries. After these presentations international groups have made posters of their ideas how to resolve the existing eco issues, these included ideas for other Erasmus+ projects that the participants could make in the future. Young people have learned about […]

“Urban gaming” project final results

If you came here looking for a way to spice up your lessons, projects or trying to find a means to make your youth work more colorful, you are in luck! We are sharing “Urban gaming” project results with you.  It’s a game called “City game”. How is it working? By definition, an urban game […]

“Cultural heritage from past to present” – youth exchange in Turkey

cultural heritage

Darius shares feedback about the project “Cultural heritage from past to present” in Turkey. For me personally, the project fulfilled all expectations. Time passed quickly and it was sad to go home. I have no complaints about the food. The food was of good quality and I did not feel hungry. Accommodation conditions were very […]

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Can’t find your adventurous project this time?

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