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The “ACT Stronger” project designated to contribute to the citizens; deeper understanding of
the EU values, its history and diversity.
The project’s aim is to summarize the progress made in the 8 Member States (Bulgaria, Cyprus, France, Germany, Greece, Italy, Lithuania, Spain) on the European democracy action plan the results from the EU Citizenship report 2020, to analyze the strengths and weaknesses in the local/regional policies and develop Citizen’s Europe e-Paper, focusing on theopportunities for better EU future, suggested by citizens from 15 countries and different
profiles, backgrounds and ages. Therefore, this project is mostly based on civic engagement
and social cohesion, a role in the involvement of disadvantaged citizens in democracy and
other processes.

After a thorough needs assessment, the partnership set the following specific objectives:
✓ to enable people to deepen their knowledge of the EU values, institutions, and policies by
stimulating an informed public debate about benefits and challenges in major EU policy
fields and a better understanding of EU achievements and benefits.
✓ to foster the sense of belonging to the European family and EU among its citizens and
provide them with the opportunity to interact actively, to participate and to construct a stronger Europe by having their say and interaction in the post-debate of the Conference on the future of Europe and by enrolling them actively in the coming 2024 EP elections.
✓ to empower the “ordinary” citizens to play a full part in the democratic life of the EU on
local/regional and European level by providing a “public open space” and responsible
listening and by giving them a chance to present freely and openly their views and
meaningfully relate them to their social reality on important European policy topics and by
raising and developing a sustainable and reasonable active involvement in European related
✓ to involve local communities and citizens in action to combat stigmatization of
disadvantaged members of the community and to foster tolerance and empathy, which in
turn brings about a more cohesive, democratic, forward-looking, and constructive Europe.
✓ by involving wider community in the promotion of EU values, to build close cooperation on
communal level between the local actors (NGOs, institutions, LA/RA and public sector) and
strengthen the skills and capabilities of all actors, including NGOs representatives.

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