Act stronger press release: events in Bulgaria

The event occurred from Oct 26 to 28, 2023, in Veliko Tarnovo, Bulgaria.

On Oct 26, international attendees engaged in a history hunt exploring “Europe in Veliko Tarnovo – shared values, shared future.” They visited sites significant to Bulgarian democracy and UNESCO heritage. Discussions centered on European unity through shared values.

Later that day, domestic participants joined, including over 70 representatives from Bulgarian NGOs, Europe Direct network, educators, decision-makers, youth, and journalists from 14 towns. Dr. Teodora Kaleynska and Mrs. Asya Rafaelova inaugurated the event, outlining its goals and methodology. Participants formed small groups to discuss EU policy topics, drafting recommendations based on regional concerns. Conclusions were shared in an evening plenary session.

On Oct 27, 2023, the international “European Parliament Elections 2024” occurred, moderated by Prof. Ingrid Shikova, with Mr. Teodor Stoychev as a special guest. Attendees discussed the evolution of European direct democracy and elections, sharing insights from various countries. Citizen expectations for a more transparent and functional European Parliament were highlighted. Mr. Stoychev emphasized collaboration for democratic success, introducing the platform Group findings and recommendations will be consolidated into a Citizens’ paper and submitted to EU institutions following a final meeting in Berlin 2024.

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