1. How did you learn about Erasmus+ programs and what motivated you to participate?
I discovered this opportunity when I came across the Tavo Europa page on Facebook.

2. If you had to describe your Erasmus+ experience in three words, what would they be?
Freedom, inspiration, peace.

3. How did you feel while getting ready for your first exchange? How did everything go? Was there anything that scared you?
I was curious to see how the projects were organized, and I was excited to meet people from different cultures.

4. Are there any difficulties in going to the project? If so, what kind?
I missed my connecting flight and got stuck in London, which was a bit of a challenge!

5. What was your daily routine like during the program? How was it different from your usual routine at home?

I had to wake up early and actively participate in various activities, even with little sleep. It was quite different from my usual routine at home, where I tend to have more time to relax.

6. Share one of the funniest, most memorable, or unexpected adventures you had while participating in the Erasmus+ project.
Some of the most memorable moments often happen during cultural presentations of different countries. The locals share interesting facts, tempt you with delicious traditional food, and show off vibrant dances. These experiences always leave a lasting impression and create new friendships.

7. Is there a moment or memory from your Erasmus+ experience you’d love to relive?

I would love to relive the moments of cultural exchange with people from all over Europe. The excitement of learning about different cultures and making new connections is something I’ll always treasure.

8. Have you stayed connected with any of the other exchange participants? (both foreigners and Lithuanians) How did these relationships enrich your life?
Yes, we’ve stayed in touch, and I’m really happy about it. Throughout the projects, I met many people who shared similar interests, both from Lithuania and abroad. Whenever we feel nostalgic about the projects, we get in touch to reminisce.

9. Has participating in the Erasmus+ program inspired you to travel more?
Absolutely! The Erasmus+ exchanges have sparked a strong desire to travel and explore more of the world.

10. What message would you like to convey to those who are considering participating in the Erasmus+ program but are still unsure about it?
Don’t overthink it or imagine worst-case scenarios. Things will never go exactly as you expect – they will be even better!

11. What are your plans now? Do you have any trips or projects planned?
The amazing experiences during the travels have broadened my desire to explore as many countries as possible, so yes, I have planned more trips for the future.

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