ConnectART- disability and inclusion through digital languages

Duration :  01/12/2023 – 31/08/2025 
Project number: 2023-1-IT03-KA210-YOU-000152214

The European and international approach to disability and inclusion has changed radically over the last decades. The World Health Organization states that:
“Disability results from the interaction between individuals with a health condition, such as cerebral palsy, Down syndrome and depression, with personal and environmental factors including negative attitudes, inaccessible transportation and public buildings, and limited social support. A person’s environment has a huge effect on the experience and extent of disability. Inaccessible environments create barriers that often hinder the full and effective participation of persons with disabilities in society on an equal basis with others. ”

From this idea of disability as a relationship between the individual and the environment, which is based on the bio-psyco- social model (Engels 1977,1980;Scwartz,1982), comes the concept of Inclusion. Designing inclusive contexts for people with disabilities, means not only providing them with tools for their own autonomy, but also, and above-all, working on environments and communities, facilitating processes of change that make them more inclusive. Educating young people, from this point of view, is essential because they will be the ones to build and shape the future societies.

Digital media, accessible by the majority of young people, are very powerful tools to spread ideas and values, because they give everyone a space to express their voice and values even on a large scale. It is important for youth workers to learn how to master these tools to facilitate active citizenship in young people.
The project ConnectART aims to:

-EDUCATE YOUNG PEOPLE TO ADOPT AN INCLUSIVE MINDSET TOWARDS PEOPLE WITH DISABILITIES AND TO BE AMBASSADORS OF INCLUSION AND DIVERSITY IN THEIR COMMUNITIES. This goal will be achieved through the promotion of an international contest, in which every young person can participate with a digital artistic product.

-TRAIN YOUTH WORKERS ON THE THEME OF DISABILITY AND INCLUSION ACCORDING TO THE APPROACH OF THE WORLD HEALTH ORGANIZATION (ICF) AND ON NEW ARTISTIC AND DIGITAL METHODOLOGIES This is done through the following activities: 1 online workshop on the theme of inclusion; 3 transnational training courses on 3 specific artistic methodologies; creation of a toolkit for youth workers on how to promote inclusion among young people and people with disabilities.

-IMPROVE AND EXPAND THE PARTICIPATING ORGANIZATIONS THANKS TO THE CONSTRUCTION OF LOCAL AND INTERNATIONAL NETWORKS. At local level, the contest will bring each organization into contact with new local partners, while transnational activities will lead to the strengthening and expansion of their European network.

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