Digital Cultural Designer

The DCD project aims to introduce young adults to the concept of open data allowing them to learn and experiment with open data, corresponding to their own needs. The digital natives of today are the data literates of tomorrow. On top of that, it’s also an age group that starts to invest in their own development and self-actualisation. The natives themselves and society can benefit from it. By making the open data topic understandable for youth, young people can easily experiment through interactive video series, animated clips, expert interviews and then more and more young people might try to cross the open data bridge. The coordinator of this project is Eurospeak. All partners collaborate together to reach the aims of the DCD project. In September 2021 partners have finalised the English version of the Handbook for Digital Cultural Youth Awareness. Its translation into partners’ national languages is currently undergoing and will be completed mid of December 2021. In the meanwhile, partners have started discussing how to best develop the Digital Cultural Youth Curriculum. This is expected to be fully completed by September 2022.

Project is funded by Erasmus+

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