Digital Cultural Youth Curriculum – Cinema

The Erasmus+ Project Digital Cultural Designer (DCD) aims to extend and enhance the digital skills and competencies of young people particularly in the field of culture by promoting cultural education through innovative online tools and methods. 

In the framework of the DCD project, a curriculum will be developed to cater to the needs of museums, archives, libraries, and cultural institutions. The Digital Cultural Youth Curriculum will encourage young people to increase their knowledge and abilities in using digital tools to come up with innovative ways to get involved with cultural services and experiences.  

The curriculum will try to enable the creation of multidisciplinary groups which will be responsible for managing and coordinating art-based training and educational activities. It will focus on six diverse but interconnected cultural areas, namely: Music, Visual Arts, Cinema, Theatre, Dance, and Time-based Arts and/or Mixed Media Arts. All the topics will include information about how they correlate with heritage. Each partner country will undertake the development of content related to one of these cultural areas.  

Enoros Consulting will develop content for the thematic topic of Cinema. The unprecedented global pandemic crisis has taken a great toll on the creative and cultural sector, all around the world. More specifically, in Cyprus individuals employed in these sectors have been among the most affected by the financial and mental health consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic. Promoting and encouraging the development of the creative sector and more importantly, widening its scope by extending the outreach and impact of its activities and objectives through a digital transformation can be considerably beneficial for young people and the society at large. Digitalisation of culture and cultural by-products can support the cultural sectors in becoming more sustainable and efficient while creating opportunities, career prospects, and educational growth.   

In Cyprus, there is a Cultural Services Office which keeps a permanent exhibition of the country’s collection of modern Cypriot art by several different painters and sculptors, and which sponsors a successful and well-known annual international festival for music and theatrical performances, the “Kypria International Festival”. The film industry, although small, is also quite active in Cyprus, and certain Cypriot films have received awards in international competitions. 

At a national level, there is a number of things that should be prioritised to facilitate and promote cultural events and encourage cultural digitisation. To achieve this fully, the state needs to act collectively and collaborate with the private sector to construct or reconfigure the infrastructure that supports and sustains the cultural and creative sectors. Building on the future of the cultural and creative sectors and increasing their impact can be achieved in a multi-level process. The state, along with professionals/amateurs/people related to these sectors and the educational system must work together to come up with a sustainable plan to find the balance between intertwining the activities of all of the abovementioned parties, to ensure that fundamental and long-lasting change can occur. By doing this more opportunities will be created for young people, and the youth will be motivated to learn more about culture and especially the impact of digital culture. 

This project is funded by Erasmus+

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