How did you find out about Erasmus+ projects and what motivated you to participate in them?
I heard about the projects from friends who had participated earlier. Their positivity about their great experiences, their desire to learn more about different cultures, and their wish to meet as many different people as possible motivated me to step out of my comfort zone and go on this adventure.

Have you ever experienced any difficulties on your way to a project? If so, what kind?
There were no major, unforeseeable challenges, but of course, malfunctions during travel always occur. Sometimes it’s hard to find tickets with a good price and the right departure time. There was one time when I faced a delayed flight, which was very stressful because usually, travel routes are not direct and involve connecting flights. After arriving, you still have to take a bus or train.

Is there anything you wish you had known before your first Erasmus+ project?
Each project is very different, so there wouldn’t be any universal information that could prepare you for every project. I am glad that I went to the project without knowing anything. The experience was invaluable, and the decision to travel to the project was one of the best decisions I have made in my life because it changed my way of thinking, making it more open.

Has participating in an Erasmus+ project inspired you to travel more?
Absolutely yes. It is not only a great opportunity to travel on a budget, but also an incentive to visit new places on your own. The main thing that stopped me until now was not having a friend group and the fear of traveling alone. Projects give you the opportunity to meet amazing people and find like-minded individuals. In projects, you also create many close relationships with foreigners, which inspire you and lead to new travel destinations, such as visiting them in their home countries.

What skills or knowledge did you gain while participating in projects? How do they help you in your everyday life or career?
Besides the specific topics of the projects, which helped me dive deeper into the world of cybernetics, human psychology, and various forms of country management, the most valuable skills I gained were related to openness and the ability to explore and understand different people and their ways of thinking. Being open to new ideas is useful in all areas of life. The ability to admit that there is always room for improvement, listen to others, and take in new ideas has made my speaking skills better and helped me build stronger relationships with people. Since I work with gymnasium students, helping them prepare for math exams, these experiences have helped me connect with them on a deeper level, understand their fears, and build a close relationship. This connection improves the quality of my lessons. Overall, the projects have been incredibly useful for self-development and self-improvement. A person not only gains deeper knowledge in specific topics but also learns important life skills, such as self-reflection and personal growth.

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