Give your school a new tool

Duration: 01-04-2021 – 31-03-2023

Project number: 2020-1-PL01-KA204-081750

Project Give Your School a New Tool! is implemented by partner organizations from Bulgaria, Lithuania and Poland. Its purpose is to support 45 teachers working with 6-10-year-old students from Poland, Lithuania and Bulgaria in the use of the FlippedClassroom method and digital tools for distance learning, through their substantive and technical preparation and provision of the necessary digital tools. The specific objectives are: to familiarize participants with the FlippedClassroom method and ICT tools adapted to young students; the mutual inspiration of project participants; to increase digital and educational content creation competencies among project participants. The project aims to help teachers of the youngest students to make their distance education and mixed education as effective as possible, involve additional parent support to a low extent and assure that the transition from stationary to remote mode does not result in a change in the quality of education. As a part of the project, we will create a program training in the field of the FlippedClassroom method and ICT tools. We will also provide a platform to help teachers implement this method in their classrooms and use it to involve students in educational processes. For this, we will use the resources of our organizations in the form of technicians, educators and teachers, which will allow us to comprehensively implement planned activities and achieve the assumed results. The project will have an impact on popularizing the Flipped Classroom approach in both our countries and at the European level. The groups of teachers established as part of the project will be the initiators and will showcase the possibilities of this approach.

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