Duration: 01-03-2021 – 31-10-2022

Project number: 2020-3-RO01-KA205-094853

GreenACT is a 20-month project designed to enhance ENVIRONMENTAL EDUCATION and AWARENESS of YOUNG PEOPLE through the organisation of SUMMER SCHOOL PROGRAMME for making YP more familiar with the idea of environmental citizenship, based on the fact that the future depends on each one by acting responsibly and positively towards our environment and developing sustainable solutions for addressing environmental challenges. In a period where the Earth faces the consequences of climate change and global warming crisis and the need for mitigation of climate change is emerging, GreenACT aims to support further these YOUTH INITIATIVES and raise more awareness in 6 partner countries, by educating young people on environmental issues, inspire them in developing a firm ecological mindset, and invite them to have a positive impact in their communities as active agents. The partnership is composed of 6 partners from 6 countries: BG, CY, PT, LT, RO, SI, thermore, it aims: 
• to promote the idea for establishing SUMMER SCHOOLS for raising young people’s environmental awareness;
• to set up the GreenACT MOVEMENT (a network of young activists) for coordinating their actions and engaging citizens;
• to build and increase the capacity of partner organizations to take action regarding waste reduction in the partner countries by encouraging local communities to recycle and reuse;

• to equip youth workers with new sustainable environmental skills in order to empower more young people;

• to facilitate brainstorming activities on challenges and possible solutions of topics such as alternative forms of socio-economy, biodiversity and food production, sustainable production and consumption, transport, etc.

The objectives described above will be achieved through:


• IO2 EDUCATIONAL PACK which will facilitate innovative learning practices based mainly on non-formal methods;

• IO3 GreenACT CLOUD-BASED PLATFORM: for hosting the GreenACT MOVEMENT which young people and youth workers will use as a way of interacting, sharing information, experience, and knowledge and use it as an online source.

•  IO4 TOOLBOX, for preparing an A-Z guide for SETTING UP the GreenACT SUMMER SCHOOLS, pilot testing of the developed IOs, and ensuring project’s exploitation and sustainability.

The GreenACT project is expected to have a direct impact on:

• Young people 16-25 years old;

• Youth Workers whose profiles will be strengthened through the new tools and resources to support the project’s implementation.


• Become environmentally literate and able to address challenges in their communities;

• Practice and further develop their creativity skills;

• Better understand the meaning of recycle, reuse, reduce;

• More committed to tackling climate change;

• Improved skills and competencies related to green thinking;

• Become part of a youth activist network – GreenACT MOVEMENT with an active role in shaping the environmental wellbeing of Europe;

• Become more informed and aware of human impact on the environment.


• Equipped with new innovative educational tools (EDUCATIONAL PACK, TOOLBOX, VIDEO TUTORIALS, PLATFORM) for raising young peoples’ environmental awareness and the sense of responsibility towards the environment;

• Acquire experience in setting up and implementing a SUMMER SCHOOL for young people;

• Improve their knowledge and skills regarding environmental issues and ways to reduce-prevent human impact on nature;

• Better understand and recognise the benefits of adopting environmental behaviours;

• Have increased opportunities and network for professional development with organizations and youth workers from other countries during the C1 activity;

• Become a part of the GreenACT MOVEMENT, an online community for exchange of knowledge and organization of actions with positive environmental impact.


• Better prepared for serving the community and raising the awareness of the significance of organizing actions for mitigating climate change;

•Development of groups within the partner associations to build up and manage projects related to eco-citizenship, environmental awareness in their countries and transferring their gained expertise;

• Enhanced skills of project management, especially in the youth organizations involved;

• Enriched cooperation and networking between local organizations with local authorities, informal youth groups, waste management companies, green organizations.

The project will be carried out in 6 EU countries. The partners were selected carefully since they have common needs when it comes to the promotion of responsible environmental behaviours starting with young people. This transnational initiative will offer transferrable valid tools that will change youth’s attitudes, the important markers of long-term social change, and interests in other countries (in and out EU).

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