Growing Project Coordinators workshops

Financial literacy, teamwork, public speaking, and time management are among the most crucial skills that the modern generation needs to develop.

On June 19 and 20, young people gathered to test their abilities and become project coordinators for a day. Over the course of two days, the youth worked in teams to prepare five project proposals. Identifying social issues and searching for solutions through projects proved to be an excellent tool for enhancing young people’s understanding of the opportunities offered by Erasmus+. The events were attended by over 30 participants from the target group.

The need for the “Rising Young Project Coordinators” project arose from the fact that an increasing number of young people lack trust in the EU and find it difficult to understand its principles, values, and functioning. The activities proposed in the project aim to familiarize youth and youth organizations with European programs, facilitating their access.

Project objectives:
1. To involve young students, preferably those with fewer opportunities or living in rural areas, as well as members of youth associations who have limited access to European youth programs.
2. To facilitate their communication with other countries, promoting cooperation in order to create the “Europe we want” together.
3. To develop specific skills among teachers, association mentors, and volunteers participating in the project, facilitating the project activities of young people in Europe.
4. To increase access to Erasmus+ platforms and the number of project proposals provided by youth and small youth associations in the participating countries.

Countries participating in the project: Lithuania, Portugal, Italy, Czech Republic, and Slovakia.

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