We Will Fight
For You​

Let’s take the first step together and help you win your case.
We are here every step of the way.
Court Appearances
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Happy Clients
Case Wins
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One Step Ahead

Who we are?

Tavo Europa is more than just another NGO working on the development of society by making those choices. It is a platform that gathers youth and different kind of experts who work together. We are home for the knowledge-hungry professionals that deeply care about their job, about career development and about youth.

360 Legal Solutions

Explore What We Are Doing Better

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Learn All About Our Attorneys

Meet The Partners

Brian Lewis

Founding Partner

Chas R. Walker


Christy Mullen


three steps to success

We Will Help You Every Step Of The Way

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learning about all your legal issues

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Pair you up with the Perfect Attorney

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Fight For You in Court

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we will assist you in any issue and conflict

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What People Say About Us

Client Testimonials

You Deserve One Of Our Best Lawyers

with 35 years of law experience

We have lots of experience

Case Studies

Communication and PR internship

Communication and PR internship Do you have a natural talent for communication and a keen eye for social media trends? Are you creative, quick-thinking, and

research internship

Researcher internship Are you eager to explore youth exchanges and get hands-on experience in organizing projects and events for young people? Do you want to

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