How did you learn about Erasmus+ programs and what motivated you to participate?
I first heard about the Erasmus+ youth exchange while I was in school and participated in an exchange through my school. Later, while scrolling through Instagram stories, I came across an ad inviting people to join projects abroad. That’s how my Erasmus+ journey began. I had been looking for travel opportunities for some time because I love meeting new people and experiencing new things.

If you had to describe your Erasmus+ experience in three words, what would they be?
Atverianti akis; Bendruomenė; Galimybės.

Share one of the funniest, most memorable, or unexpected adventures you had while participating in the Erasmus+ project.
Every project is filled with adventures, so it’s hard to choose just one. One of the most beautiful memories comes from my last Erasmus+ project in Portugal. During a previous project in Portugal, I became good friends with the Portuguese team. When I returned for another project, one of them kindly offered me a place to stay at their home. We had an amazing time together. It’s incredible how jaunimo mainai can create such meaningful opportunities and connections.

Taip pat man labai patinka apsilankymai kituose miesteliuose, kurie yra įtraukti į projektų programas. Tai padeda pakeisti aplinką ir ištrūkti iš kasdienės rutinos. Labiausiai įsiminė kelionė į Zakopanės kalnus Lenkijoje – tai buvo nuostabi patirtis.

Ar išliko ryšiai ir draugystės su kitais mainų dalyviais? (tiek užsieniečiais, tiek lietuviais) Kaip šie santykiai praturtino tavo gyvenimą?
Yes, I’ve maintained friendships from my very first project. I formed a strong bond with someone from the Lithuanian team, and we even went on another Erasmus+ project together afterward.

Taip pat išliko draugų iš anksčiau minėtos Portugalijos komandos. Esu tikra, kad jei keli dalyviai iš Gruzijos komandos, su kuriais susipažinau per paskutinius jaunimo mainus, atvyktų į Lietuvą, tikrai susitiktume.

Two months ago, I bonded with my Lithuanian team during a youth exchange, and since then, we’ve already met up three times. These connections show that relationships formed through Erasmus+ projects are more than just fleeting experiences; they can become a lasting part of your life.

Koks buvo didžiausias asmeninis augimas, kurį pajutai po šios patirties?
Participating in Erasmus+ youth exchanges has made me feel deeply grateful for everything I have in life. While visiting other countries, I developed a new appreciation for my own country. Comparing life abroad with life at home made me realize how well we live.

Tuomet susitinki su žmonėmis, supranti jų pasaulėžiūrą ir galbūt kažko pasisemiate iš jų. Tokiu būdu vyksta išlipimas iš komforto zonos, kuris visada daug duoda.

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