Giftled local article 2.0
Giftled local article 2.0 T he final conference of the European GIFTLED project, held on December 19, 2024 online, marked an important milestone in the promotion
Giftled local article 2.0 T he final conference of the European GIFTLED project, held on December 19, 2024 online, marked an important milestone in the promotion
We’re excited to share a toolkit created during the inspiring training course “Make It Visible,” held in Spain. Our team of three participated in this
Theatre of the Oppressed (T.O.) is a powerful tool for social change, created by Brazilian theatre visionary and Nobel Peace Prize nominee Augusto Boal. Initially
We recently had a training course called “Emancipatory simulations for inclusive societies” here in Lithuania. The project took place with a live training in Markutiskes
Neseniai surengėme įdomų žiniasklaidos raštingumo seminarą, skirtą 16–18 metų vaikams, kaip dalį mūsų jaunimo galimybių! Šiuolaikiniame pasaulyje jaunimas nuolat bombarduojamas
YOUTHCAP bukletas YOUTHCAP buvo skirtas jaunimui ir jaunimo darbuotojams, suteikiant jiems galimybę dalyvauti tarptautinio mobilumo veikloje. Šios veiklos buvo skirtos
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