“Open to change” project results!

We share the results of the Open to Change project!


After conducting a survey with young people in 4 countries, including Lithuania, it became clear that:

Young people are highly motivated to participate in political and civic activities;


It is noticeable that there is a lack of information about problems that young people could contribute to solving. Also, it is noticeable that there is a lack of encouragement of public and private institutions to participate in the solution of social problems.

Young people believe that most institutions cannot help them or solve the difficulties they face.

There is a perceived lack of training for essential skills and competences, as well as financial support, especially for vulnerable groups.

The surveyed organizations note that there is a lack of resources to encourage young people to participate and become actively involved, as well as a lack of knowledge and preparation to do so.

The best outcome of engagement is fostered by close cooperation with young people, allowing them to choose the problems they would like to solve;

There is a noticeable lack of understanding and communication between institutions and young people, who could contribute to solving such social problems as active civic and social involvement.

More information and the completed project research can be found here: http://tiny.cc/qi3zuz

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