STONE – STrengthen the Skills Of NEets

In the current world, people need a higher and broader set of skills to work, communicate, access information, products and services and for social and civic participation. Globalisation continues to confront the European Union with new challenges. Each citizen needs a wide range of key competences to adapt flexibly to a rapidly changing and highly interconnected world. Education in its dual role, both social and economic, has a key role to play in ensuring that Europe citizens acquire the key competences needed to enable them to adapt flexibly to such changes. In particular, building on diverse individual competences, the differing needs of learners should be met by ensuring equality and access for those groups who, due to educational disadvantages caused by personal, social, cultural or economic circumstances, need particular support to fulfil their educational potential. Examples of such groups include people with low basic skills, in particular with low literacy, early school leavers, the long-term unemployed and those returning to work after a period of extended leave, older people, migrants, and people with disabilities.

Everybody gathered in Saaremaa, Estonia from 24 to 27 of October. The purpose of the STONE project was to produce information about how adult educators respond to the demands which are facing and to assess NEETs, knowledge and skills in specific domains such as personal, social and learning to learn, citizenship, entrepreneurship, cultural awareness and digital learning skills that lie behind their factual knowledge.

STONE project impact includes the following:

– Highlighting the importance of new key competences to the training of NEETs.

– The usefulness of these materials for educators, teachers, counsellors, youth workers;

– Improve the position of NEETs in the labour market through the training on new key competences;

– Understanding and recognition of skills and qualifications in Europe and beyond.

– Improve the quality of training material for educators, teachers, counsellors, youth workers;

– Increase the professional competences of adult educators, teachers, counsellors, youth workers;

– Strengthen the engagement of adult trainers;

– Improve the position and social perception of NEETs in the labour market and education;

– Improve the social and professional development of NEETs;

– Strengthening of occupational/career profiles of job seekers and young adult professionals;

– Increase motivation of NEETs (people with disadvantaged background and fewer opportunities) to learn by providing information on validation of non-formal & informal learning.

The project is funded by Erasmus+.

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