Strengthen the Skills of NEETs

Duration: 2020-09-01 – 2022-08-31

Project number: 2020-1-RO01-KA204-079978

It is evident that people gaining qualifications have an impact on economic growth, and on promoting social inclusion and sustainable employment. Skills have become the key drivers of individual well-being and economic success in the 21st century. The pace of innovation, technological transformation, digitalisation and globalisation requires all people to engage in lifelong learning for upskilling, re-qualification or skills updating purposes. Nowadays, most job positions require constant improvement, therefore lifelong learning (LLL) is crucial for people to acquire essential skills to stay employable. More than ever, LLL is the key to face globalisation and its challenges.

The project aims to define and validate innovative models, approaches and tools supporting personalised, active and engaging development processes for adult learners. Based on self-awareness, reflective and participation-based learning models, it seeks to prevent ESL and NEET phenomena, contemporaneously addressing:

– Adults’ engagement and motivation by implementing self-awareness/evaluation tools, inclusive guidance and learning solutions supporting reflective, engaging and active behaviours;

– Trainers guidance and learning role empowerment: by adopting the new framework for Competences which are defined as a combination of knowledge, skills and attitudes appropriate to the context. Key competences are those which all individuals need for personal fulfilment and development, active citizenship, social inclusion and employment.

The project goes one step further for the results of the T4TEMP project and is dealing with the following main key competencies: a) Personal, social and learning to learn; b) Citizenship; c) Entrepreneurship; d) Cultural awareness and expression, and e) Digital. Although the key competences are all considered equally important, because each of them can contribute to a successful life in a knowledge society, the partnership has selected the aforementioned competencies as they are closer to their experience and professional capacity.

The overall aim is to bring adult educators and adult learners together in the face of new societal challenges towards a brighter, more connected future. The objective of STONE is to work and focus on the number of adult educators who work with NEETs and vulnerable groups with adult learners by upgrading their skills.

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