Teaching Basic Digital Competences for Seniors

Duration: 11.12.2017 – 10.12.2019

Project number: 2017-1-TR01-KA204-046226


With this project, our institutions aim to develop and implement innovation in the field of digital literacy by producing high quality and concise learning outputs for elderly citizens over 65 years old. Within the scope of the project, 5 transnational project meetings will be organized in 3 participating countries, 2 short teaching/training programs will be provided for the institution staff in 2 countries on related topics, 2 intellectual outputs will be developed and 2 multiplier events based on intellectual outputs will be organized. 120 seniors will be trained in their own countries, results will be assessed and tested, and dissemination activities will be organized.

In this framework, our institutions will understand the following current need to teach basic digital competencies for citizens aged 65 and older by developing ideas and innovations to overcome these problems with their outputs.

These are:

– strategic dimension of teaching digital competencies to elderly citizens, characteristics of trainees;

-historical dimension, education levels and functions, teaching methods and techniques, benefits on the trainees, effects;

-critical and safe use of information society and technology;

-communication and social networks;

-basic computer use, internet usage, classification via the internet, storage, content generation, information presentation and transfer;

-access to E-government and other online public services;

-access to education and training environments such as E-learning, E-Course, E-Library, E-School;

-daily news, E-shopping, E-mail, E-commerce services;

-the use of smartphones and basic applications.

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