We finished one, and at the same time started a new cycle of projects. We completed two projects lasting 18 months – Safety in the Third Sector and Extraordinary social change through sport, so we are focusing our attention on the latest approved HopaSus project! It is a Erasmus+ Sport Collaborative Partnership project with a grant of 120.000,oo euros, in which, in addition to ours, three other organizations participate: National University of Physical Education and Sport (Romania), Tavo Europa (Lithuania) and Walk Together (Bulgaria). The project officially started on June 1, and the first mobility was held in the period from July 26th to 28th. It was held in Romania, more precisely in Bucharest, where our coordinating organization is from, i.e. University. Due to obligations, not everyone could ensure the presence of their representatives, but despite that, everything worked perfectly and in a very productive atmosphere, with defined steps that should further lead to the safe and successful realization of the project.
President Milan Djupovac and leading researcher Dragana Drljacic attended the meetings in front of SDCS. Many thanks to our hosts for their hospitality, we hope to repay them the same way in March next year, when the next mobility is planned for which we will be the organizers.