Tools for exploring the meanings of multiculturalism – MultiNATIONS

Duration: 01-10-2019 – 30-09-2021

Project number: 2019-2-RO01-KA205-064065

MultiNATIONS project aims to extend and develop the competences and skills of youth workers, trainers and educators, who work in the field of non-formal and informal education and training, providing innovative and creative tools to support them in the long-run in promoting cultural diversity and intercultural equality along with enhancing of European fundamental values such as, acceptance, solidarity and respect. Cultural diversity is the most common heritage of humanity and should be recognised for the benefit of present and future generations. This diversity is embodied in the uniqueness and plurality of the groups and societies’ identities making up humankind. The project’s innovation and added value lie in the fact that one of the most important ingredients for creativity is diversity; thus, innovative ideas are implemented by creativity developing new initiatives on diversity management and mediation in favour of youth workers. The main project’s challenge is to motivate and influence youth workers to deal with cultural diversity’s support. Therefore, under the MultiNATIONS project, a Self-test tool will be created for youth to evaluate and determine their level of knowledge and skills on cultural diversity mediation, by using critical thinking and previous experience. This will be done via the following outcomes:

– Map of cultural diversity;

– Moving Stories – digital storytelling about multiculturalism;

– Self-test tool of appropriateness as a Cultural Mediator.

The project has been designed based on the partners’ experience in matters related to youth workers, trainers and teachers and organisations active in the non-formal education field and lifelong learning. The project will bring together 5 partners from 5 different countries wishing to promote the importance of multiculturalism and the common values of tolerance, equality and non-discrimination, strengthening social cohesion and fostering the development of a responsible, open-minded and inclusive society by enriching youth worker’s intercultural competences. This project will also include four transnational project meetings that will contribute to the preparation, implementation and evaluation phase of the project as well as five multiplier events. Also, a pilot workshop for youth workers will be held to transmit the inspiration among youth workers, enforcing them to defend the values and the principles of multiculturalism. All the information and material gathered through this project as well as the developed innovative tools will be digitalised and uploaded on the MultiNATIONS website. The total number of people, who will benefit from or will be targeted through the project activities (“Moving Stories”, Pilot workshop of Self-test tool, MultiNATIONS website, Multiplier Events) during its duration, is moderately estimated at approximately 5000.

The project’s expected results are the following:

•Recognition and validation of youth work and informal and non-formal learning at European, national, regional and local levels;

•Understanding of EU principles and values of cultural diversity;

•Development of professional and innovative non-formal educational tools through creativity on cultural diversity management;

• Increasing youth workers’ opportunities and self-awareness about their abilities;

•Revolution of a better society that promotes pluralism and equality by reducing racism, discrimination and loneliness;

• Enhancing social inclusion via cross-cultural acceptance and solidarity.

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