“Urban gaming” project final results

If you came here looking for a way to spice up your lessons, projects or trying to find a means to make your youth work more colorful, you are in luck! We are sharing “Urban gaming” project results with you. 

It’s a game called “City game”. How is it working? By definition, an urban game is a game that uses urban space as an important element of gameplay. Such games combine the features of street happenings, computer games, RPGs (Role Play Games) and stalking. They are organized in different places, independently of each other, mainly in larger cities. They take both open and closed forms, often entering the offer of integration events. City games are created both as fully independent and commercial projects. Their themes can be diverse, from historical events, through novels, to stories invented by the authors of the game.

We invite you to read about the game and try it. All the information is down bellow. 

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