‘’Yes for Inclusion’’

Last year from 9th till 16th of October our members and youth did participate in an Erasmus+ project called “Yes for inclusion” which took place in Costinesti Romania.
The goal of the project was to increase the inclusion between youth participants
The main objective was:
1. The participants in this project have understood what is discrimination, stereotypes, prejudices, and their negative effects.
2. During the project, participants developed skills to work with young people with reduced opportunities through new methods of non-formal education and will combat discrimination.
3. At the end of the project, the young participants had an open attitude towards those who are discriminated against and will be empathetic with them.
The youth from  Poland, Turkey, Bulgaria, Latvia, Lithuania, Croatia, Romania worked using nonformal education methods The participants also had an opportunity to learn about the cultures of the countries which were involved in the project and how to work with youth with few opportunities.

This project was financed by Erasmus+ Programm of European Union.

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