Green Youth Work
Projektas Kroatijoje
February 10 - 13, 2025
March 10 - 16, 2025

Green Youth Work

Location: Labin / Rijeka, Croatia

Green Youth Work is an Erasmus+ project consisting of two main activities: Advance Planned Visit (APV) and Seminar.
The project aims to explore and learn more about green youth work practices across Europe and within the participating organizations.
Throughout the project, participants will have the opportunity to deepen their knowledge about recycling and upcycling through practical workshops. Additionally, they will visit and meet with local organizations in Rijeka, Croatia, to learn about their successful green projects and draw inspiration for future youth actions and projects

Dalyvių amžius: 18+ team leader, 18-25 youth workers

Team composition: 1 team leader, 3 youth workers 

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